About us

The Braid Factory is strictly an online shop located in Lagos, Nigeria, for your braid wig needs.

We manufacture High Quality Braided Wigs, suitable for every woman, of any age, status and profession. We offer unique services to our clients from the comfort of their homes.

All our wigs are 100% hand braided by experienced and devoted professionals, to ensure every braid is neatly and beautifully done, crafted to look as natural as possible. We aim to give every woman quality and satisfaction for our products globally.

The Braid Factory also has a wide selection of braids styles  to fit your entire look.

Calling You, Gorgeous!

When you shop The braid factory  you enjoy a plethora of customizing options to get your order exactly the way you want it. You get to choose the lace type of your desire (HD or Swiss Lace), your choice lace base (from closures to full lace options),  the length and colour(s) of preference. We've got you Queen!

We routinely update our inventory with items that will delight and surprise you. Be the beautiful diva you know you are with The Braid Factory.

What a great wig! It was light weight. Easy to put on and it actually stayed melted on my whole trip to the UK. Worth the money.
